Mission of the Ministry:

Our Mission: Founded in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic, the St. Theresa 135 Ministry is a ministry of treasure focused on providing financial support to St Theresa Church for Restoration, Replacement and Repair of the parish's buildings and grounds. We are a group of Parishioners who commit to share our treasure annually to stabilize ongoing financial needs and to fund future special projects. Our goal is to raise $135,000 annually


We encourage your support as a Sponsoring or annual new or returning member. You may easily contribute in one or two ways:

  1. CHECK- Make checks payable to ST. THERESA CHURCH and on memo line please write "135 Ministry"

Mail to: St Theresa Church

2800 Ramon Rd.

Palm Springs, Ca. 922644

Attn: Jackie Macias

2. Credit Card- Click the button below. The next webpage will display all the giving opportunities, so just scroll down to 135 Ministry and provide the information as requested for your credit card donation. You can also print out your donation information at the end of the year for the tax purposes.

Online Giving

We thank you in advance for your donation!



EMAIL: sttheresa135@gmail.com

135 Ministry Chairman- Mike Ovesen

Pastor- Fr. John Kavcak

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