Requesting a Mass to be offered for a loved, living or deceased, is a beautiful practice in our Catholic tradition. We offer two ways to submit a Mass Intention; online by submitting the following form below or by calling our Parish Office. Please keep in mind that we have a large number of parishioners at St. Theresa’s, meaning that a requested day may not be possible.
Please read the following guidelines carefully:
- A parishioner may request no more than 12 Mass Intentions per year.
- Mass requests must be submitted
2 weeks in advance to ensure they are added to the parish bulletin.
- Requests will be honored in the order it was received.
- A suggested donation of $10 is to accompany each Mass request. The donation may be done in the following ways: sent by mail, in person in the Parish Office, or through Online Giving by following the link below. (Link for Online Giving)
- Mass Intentions cannot be scheduled for Holy Week, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or 9 day novenas.
- Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested date and time as possible. If it is not possible to fulfill the primary request, the next closest date and time will be scheduled. A member of from our staff will be contact with you to follow up and confirm the request.
- Lengthy intentions cannot be published in the bulletin and will be edited for the sake of brevity.
- Please indicate if the person for whom the Mass is requested is living or deceased. To request a Mass for someone who is deceased, please choose the following option (+Deceased). Please select Special Request for a love one that is living and if desired to be put on the bulletin’s Sick List, you may add a note on the form.
- If the intention was not verbally announced, know that the Mass has been offered for that particular intention. The intention is a spiritual act and its verbal publication neither adds nor takes away from its validity.
I have read and understood the Mass Intention Guidelines and followed them to the best of my ability.
To make a donation using Online Giving, please click on the button below. Please make a note with the name of the
person whom Mass is requested for and the date. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Parish Office: 760-323-2669.